Vision Prospectiva de la Sustentabilidad Agroindustrial

dc.contributor.authorPerdomo, Ismary
dc.contributor.authorIzquierdo, Henry
dc.descriptionThe present investigation is of descriptive, documentary type, feasible project and cuali - quantitative, whose purpose was to determine the variables that influence and affect the agro-industrial process from the sustentabilidad vision. The used methodologies were oriented and the structural analysis models of and method were supported by delphy (like tool of group consensus), which it allowed to the search and the selection of the different variables which they affect the production of bovine cattle (cattle demand, aspects social, cultural, environmental, political, economic aspects, legal, between others), that is to say, socioeconomic physical and average means where the study is developed. In this investigation the selection of the variables by means of the use of the structural analysis and software Mic-Mac will appear. For the obtaining of the variables the formation of panels of experts in the area was necessary. The key factors selected by the actors allowed to identify the strategic variables of the process and that they will be of support for the planning and necessary execution of combat operations for the development of the futuribles scenes. The purpose is to reach a cattle development and to represent a balance between the relation of the environmental and social factors, being obtained therefore a sustainable local development.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa presente investigación es de tipo descriptiva, documental, proyecto factible y cuali – cuantitativa, cuya finalidad fue determinar las variables que influyen y afectan el proceso agroindustrial desde la visión de sustentabilidad. Las metodologías utilizadas se orientaron y se soportaron por los modelos de análisis estructural y método delphy (como herramienta de consenso grupal), que permitió la búsqueda y la selección de las diferentes variables que afectan la producción de ganado bovino (demanda pecuaria, aspectos sociales, culturales, ambientales, políticos, económicos, legal, entre otros), es decir, medio físico y medio socioeconómico donde se desarrolla el estudio. En esta investigación se presentará la selección de las variables mediante el uso del análisis estructural y el software Mic-Mac. Para la obtención de las variables fue necesaria la formación de paneles de expertos en el área. Los factores claves seleccionados por los actores permitieron identificar las variables estratégicas del proceso y que serán de soporte para la planificación y ejecución de las acciones necesarias para el desarrollo de los escenarios futuribles. La finalidad es alcanzar un desarrollo ganadero y representar un equilibrio entre la relación de los factores ambientales y sociales, lográndose así un desarrollo local sostenible.es_ES
dc.subjectDesarrollo local, análisis estructural, escenarios futuribles, desarrollo sostenible.es_ES
dc.titleVision Prospectiva de la Sustentabilidad Agroindustriales_ES
dc.title.alternativeAnálisis Estratégico Prospectivoes_ES
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The present investigation is of descriptive, documentary type, feasible project and cuali - quantitative, whose purpose was to determine the variables that influence and affect the agro-industrial process from the sustentabilidad vision. The used methodologies were oriented and the structural analysis models of and method were supported by delphy (like tool of group consensus), which it allowed to the search and the selection of the different variables which they affect the production of bovine cattle (cattle demand, aspects social, cultural, environmental, political, economic aspects, legal, between others), that is to say, socioeconomic physical and average means where the study is developed. In this investigation the selection of the variables by means of the use of the structural analysis and software Mic-Mac will appear. For the obtaining of the variables the formation of panels of experts in the area was necessary. The key factors selected by the actors allowed to identify the strategic variables of the process and that they will be of support for the planning and necessary execution of combat operations for the development of the futuribles scenes. The purpose is to reach a cattle development and to represent a balance between the relation of the environmental and social factors, being obtained therefore a sustainable local development.
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